First things first: Who am I?

I am Alex. I am a Quality Management Advisor providing support to meet a Quality standard based on ISO 9001:2015. I even had a work permit for Thailand. Currently any Quality Standard complying with any international acknowledged Quality standard is refused. This can be easily changed, for no cost. Productivity would improve a lot. Cost would go down. Safety would be on a higher level.

If being elected for committee I would improve the following subjects:

Being Present

The committee should be there for the residents. I think it is not smart if you want to be a committee member just to hide from the residents for two years. Being present and answering any questions anytime in the line group. Ready to listen to arguments, accepting science as a standard to improve. We have engineers, we have accountants, we have quality management experts in the building. They are ready to support the management to improve, to flourish, to make the building a better place.

Improving Fire Safety

Several problems can be solved immediately for little money. Some recommendations given by the fire department can be followed without having to invest money. Talk with the residents, aks what is the most important to them.
Doing nothing is not an option.

Safety is a joke right now

Improving building safety: right now it is possible for anyone to enter the building, anytime. There are different ways in using different entrance points. Especially in the daytime when all doors to the second floor are wide open. With no one controlling it. But there are other options to get in as well.

Anti collision lights

Installing anti-collition lights on the roof. That can be easily done and would even be paid for by myself. Why missing a safety feature which cost just a few hundred Thai Baht?
Currently ACL are installed facing to the North only.
Nothing to the West.
Nothing to the East.
Nothing to the South.
90% of the worlds high rises take care of this safety feature. Also in Bangkok. Not wanted in Evergreen View Tower… We are located below the counter flight path of Suvarnabhumi Airport. This is crazy.

In the photo see the flight trails of planes passing our building.

Install Swimming Pool quality management

As a swimming pool professional it is sad to see how bad swimming pool maintenance is handled. Low pH, often no free chlorine (they do not even understand what that is), running air through the water pump which destroys it and so on…
Improving the safety of swimming pool maintenance: currently the management cannot even measure all the chemicals that should be monitored. They don’t want to spend the 50 Baht that it would cost extra per month. Evergreen swimming pool welcomes viruses and bacteria. In addition the pool get  destroyed by keeping a very low pH, keeping the pool very acidic. Why not follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Public health of the Kingdom of Thailand? It is a world Quality standard. Management does not want any quality standard applied? Why? They tell me they can not use the Ministry of Public Health standard because I do not have a swimming pool license. There is no such license based on science. And if I have a license or not – what does this have to do with the Ministry of Public Health? Let us change to the better.

Give the floors a fresh painting

I admit: this is NOT the most important part to do first. Just allow residents to paint their own floors. Back when we painted our floor we were threatened with the police, that they would sue in court for any damages done.
With the help of a nice neighbor we shared the cost of painting.
As of now any attempt to improve the quality of living based on a quality standard is refused by the Juristic Person Manager, Committee and Management. This has to change.

Cracks are always a problem

  • Taking care of the cracks in front of the building
  • Taking care of the cracks on the west side of the building
Water gets into the cracks which makes them bigger and bigger. It gets more and more expensive the longer they decide to do nothing.
Once I brought in a building/civil engineer but we were threatened with the police. Of course this engineer will never come again offering help.
Change the attitude towards residents willing to help.

The list is endless - here are some more important issues

  • Promised for a long time: a renovation of the restroom in the gym. A renovation donated by myself was refused. With like-minded committee members that could be done quickly and easily.
  • Promised for months: replace the highly damaged Evergreen view tower sign in front of the building/entrance. Let the residents vote over several different designs and choose the most beautiful one.
  • Again, because very important: as a committee you need to be present. I think it is not smart if you want to be a committee member just to hide from the residents for two years. Being present and answering any questions anytime in the line group.
  • Tidy up the mess on the roof  – the elevator was renovated years ago, yet the mess is still there
  • seal the roof against water – in some spots water is entering into the concrete
  • and many more things…